Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recent watercolors

I learned a new watercolor technique that is so much fun!  You paint water over 140 lb. watercolor paper until it's pretty wet, then drop colors onto it.  They spread and make patterns which you can then pick up on and embellish into images.  You don't even have to come up with your own ideas....the spreading colors do it for you!  The top one I call "Flight" and the 2nd "Ancient Winds".  It will go in my journal somewhere.


Lisa South said...

These are gorgeous! Great colors!

bockel24 said...

love the top one!

Phil and Cris said...

Beautiful Lorna!! I'm going to go drop paint in a sketch book so I can play too :)

Aimeslee Winans said...

Simply beautiful, Lorna! And that class with Traci B sounded awesome! xoxo

Jo Murray said...

You have a delightful soft and spontaneous touch Lorna. PLease show more!!!!

artbeckons said...

Hi Lorna! I just checked into your blog because I was missing you and wondering how you're doing. I was tickled to see these intuitive watercolors because I just announced a swap for this technique on Paper Traders. If you have time, we'd love to have you join us. =)